Fitzpatrick Collaborative
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No Fear Shakespeare with Jim Register View Cart

We will read the modern translation found in No Fear Shakespeare. Our goal is to learn the story, not to decode the old English. This activity is offered to any middle or high school student, college student, or any adult who wants to expand their knowledge of Shakespeare, often called the greatest English-Language author in history.

You will meet with Jim five times spread across 2-5 weeks at a time mutually agreeable and as scheduling permits. There will be one meeting for each act of the play.

Meetings may take place at The Fitz or Groton Library.

Academic Enrichment
Jim Canning is a retired Professor from the University of Lowell where he was Dean of the honors college. After 30+ years of teaching, Mr Canning now offers one-on-one academic guidance, encouragement, and feedback to middle school, high school, college students, and adults who wish to excel. Participants complete one or more academic enrichment sessions with Jim at times that are mutually convenient. Enrichment sessions are customized to suit the needs of the student, but normally include reading and retelling novels, plays, epic poems, essays, famous speeches, non-fiction texts, short stories, children’s literature, and historical documents. Some enrichment may involve watching films, old TV programs, or documentaries. Current academic background does not matter and students work at their own pace. Along the way, study skills improve, reading comprehension increases and, hopefully, students acquire a life-long love for reading great literature and important non-fiction as they build their own view of the world: past, present, and future. Each student will set up a date and time that is mutually convenient for Mr Canning and the student.
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Spring 2025  12y - 23y N/A $30.00 Res, $30.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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